Submitted applications will be reviewed by a selection committee of arts and culture leaders with specific knowledge of the cultural landscape in each host city. Committees will subsequently recommend applicants to the Festival for funding. Committee members will fill out conflicts of interest disclosures and will not participate in the judging of any applicant organizations with which they are affiliated.
Applications will be judged on the following criteria:
Community Relevance
Does the proposed project or independent performing artist applicant clearly represent or celebrate the unique culture and character of their city or local community? Is the applicant an authentic part of their city’s cultural landscape? Will this event or artist appeal to a significant segment of the community population?
Quality of the Event/Individual Artist Practice
Does the proposed event or independent artist applicant provide a unique and high quality artistic or cultural experience for the target audience? Does the individual or organization demonstrate a consistent track record of high-quality performances or of producing exceptional events?
Producing Capacity/Applicant Ability
Self-produced event applicants:
Does the applicant maintain a high level of responsibility, accountability, professionalism, have a proven history of successfully self-producing events in their host city, and clearly demonstrate the ability to both produce and promote the proposed project?
Independent performing artist applicants:
Does the applicant maintain a high level of responsibility, accountability, professionalism, and have a history of successful performances in their host city? Will this artist draw a specific segment of the community population if booked for a Festival showcase?